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Unicorn Princess
Unicorn Princess Read online
Written by Honey Henry
Illustrated by Neville Henry
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Published by AuthorHouse 04/05/2018
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Chapter 1 Ralinyan
Chapter 2 Cure of evil
Chapter 3 Life-saving letter
Chapter 4 The first riddle
Chapter 5 The second riddle
Chapter 6 The third riddle
Chapter 7 The great wizard
Chapter 8 Tale of two queens
Chapter 9 No going back
Chapter 1
Far, far away, there is a secret land called Ralinyan that no human knows about; it’s so secret in fact, I can’t tell you the location, however it’s the most magical place you could ever want to visit. It’s filled with good magic and happiness, rainbows and blue skies. But who exactly lives here, you may wonder. Well, unicorns and their cousins, the pegasus. Yep. That’s right. Pegasus and unicorns are real. They aren’t just mythical creatures in fairy stories. As a matter of fact, I’m a unicorn myself. We don’t quite know how humans even had an idea of us existing, but as long as there is no actual proof of our existence, then everything is ok. Happy, happy, happy, you may think, but unfortunately not. Despite almost all pegasus and unicorns being the most loving creatures, there are evil unicorns, who are currently trying to take over our land. But why exactly are these unicorns evil? Well, it all started centuries ago, when the evil witches were existing; these wicked creatures put a spell on the innocent unicorns, attempting to turn them into their evil slaves, but the unicorns turned so evil and rebellious, they tried to attack the witches, as well as all the good creatures, however, the witches escaped and nobody has seen them since. Luckily, despite the witches’s evil efforts to put a spell on all unicorns, and all pegasus, many of us escaped, but the spell has remained generations later, being inherited by all offspring of these cursed creatures. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to help them. We could kill off all the cursed unicorns, but two wrongs don’t make a right, and deep down they’re good - it’s just buried under the spell. However, until we find a cure, the evil unicorns could potentially turn everyone else in this land evil, but not only that, they could turn the whole universe evil!
Chapter 2
Cure of evil
Queen Rosaline is the queen of this land, and she is also my mother, making me Princess Diamond of Ralinyan. She is the most beautiful creature you’ll ever know. Her body is a pure and heavenly shade of white, her mane and tail are a glistening gold, and her emerald eyes contrast so well. Not only is she the most beautiful creature, she is the most powerful too. She has the horn of a unicorn, and the wings of a pegasus, yet her horn has twice the power of a regular unicorn, and her wings can fly twice as fast as a regular pegasus. Then why can’t she just turn all the evil unicorns good again, you may wonder, well, she hasn’t quite got the power to do that, and besides, it’s way to risky: one strike of evil power, and my beloved mother is dead! The thought of it brings tears to my eyes. Every other unicorn will just become evil, but Queen Rosaline has too much love in her heart to ever become evil. Obviously Queen Rosaline is the queen of the good creatures, but who is the queen of the evil?
Queen Raven. Queen of evil. She’s the most wicked creature you’ll ever know. Her body is a dim grey colour, her mane, tail, wings and horn filled with evil magic are dark purple, and her eyes are completely black. Her colours are as dark as her intentions. Firstly, she wants to kill Queen Rosaline, then she wants to turn every creature in this land evil, and take all their power, she then wants to kill every plant, get rid of the sunlight, turn all water into goo, and so on. Once she has completed this land, she wants to do it to the rest of the universe! To prevent this from happening, we put up a wall of love. It’s a shield that will prevent any evil creature from entering our land. Then what do we have to worry about? Well, the shield can only last for a certain amount of time, and it takes up too much power to just do another one. Finding a solution sounds hopeless, right? Wrong! Fortunately, I know a wizard that may be able to help. He’s our only hope, so I really, really, really hope he can.
Wizard Radigast is the most powerful wizard on this land - he’s the only one who might be able to make a potion to cure the evil unicorns. I rush to tell my mum. Even though I live in the palace, I can’t help but stop to admire it. It’s so tall, its intimidating, so shiny, it’s blinding. It’s gold and white, matching my mum perfectly. The palace is bordered by loads of guards. I walk through never-ending hallways, up and down staircases as tall as mountains, and in and out rooms, trying to find my mother. She ended up being at the very top of the palace, looking sad and hopeless, as if she was about to cry, but she held the tears back. The door was open, but I still knock.
“Excuse me, mum?” I say.
I didn’t bother asking what the matter was - it was obvious.
“Yes dear?” She replied. Her voice was shaking
“I have thought of a way we could cure the evil unicorns” I said.
“There isn’t a way darling. It’s hopeless!” She said.
“I think there is.” I said.
“Ok, go on.” She sighed
“We could ask Wizard Radigast to make us a potion.” I said excitedly.
“He’s miles away! And besides he might not even be able to help!” She cried.
“We must try! We have nothing to lose!” I argued
“Yes but-”
“No buts! We must try to save our land. I thought you of all creatures would agree, but if you don’t then I’ll do it myself!” I interrupted. I can’t believe I just snapped at my mum (the queen). She looked at me in shock, not knowing what to say.
“Very well. We shall contact Wizard Radigast, asking him for help.” Said my mum
Chapter 3
Life-saving letter
Dear Wizard Radigast,
I am writing in regards to a much needed cure.
Is there any way you can turn evil unicorns good again?
If so, please respond as soon as you can.
Kind regards,
Queen Rosaline of Ralinyan
That’s the letter my mum wrote to Wizard Radigast. I just hope Wizard Radigast has a cure.
Luckily, he responded the next day. As my mum read the letter, her eyes lit up, like stars twinkling in the sky, but she suddenly looked confused.
Dear Queen Rosaline,
If you could bring me the following ingredients, I shall happily see what I can do:
1 happiness
2 kindnesses
3 loves
Once you have these, bring them to the other side of the rainbow, across the lake, and along the pathway.
Kind Regards,
Wizard Radigast
“How are we supposed to bring him one happiness, two kindnesses and three loves?” Exclaimed mum
“I don’t know, but there must be a way.” I said.
Chapter 4
The first riddle
Mum and I sat down, thinking long and hard, trying to unravel the riddle Wizard Radigast had given us. After ages of thinking, we decided to look in the great library for clues. I came across a book about the tree of happiness. It looked like any old tree, but it must have something special. I continued reading, and found out that all fairies are born there. When a baby first laughs, a flower opens from this tree, and pop! Out comes a fairy. This must be the answer, yet I was still confused. I hand mum the book.
“How can we bring Wizard Radigast the whole tree?” I asked
“Of course we aren’t going to bring the entire tree. We’ll bring a stick from it.” Replied mum
Now it all made sense. One stick of happiness. Mum and I set off on our journey. It was an awfully long one - we had to go to Zalinix, the land which the fairies lived in. We’ve been flying for hours on end, and it was getting to much. I could see Zalinix in the distance. Just a few more flaps of my wings. I was breathing so heavily, because of how exhausted I was. Just one more..just one- I suddenly found I wasn’t flapping my wings anymore. I was falling! I desperately tried to flap my wings, but I just fell lower and lower. I then felt something warm and silky underneath me, saving me from falling. It was my mum! She saved my life!
“We have arrived at Zalinix.” She said, in her comforting voice, gently landing on the beach.
“Thank you.” Is all I managed to squeeze out, but if I wasn’t as tired, and hadn’t almost died, I could’ve said a speech about how grateful I was. We stayed on that beach for the night. Before I knew it, it was morning. I was woken up by a beautiful melody, but I didn’t know where it was coming from. To my surprise mum was awake.
“Who was singing that beautiful melody?” I asked
“I don’t know, but it seems to be coming from the sea.” Replied mum
I approach the sea, following the trail of the melody. As I got closer, it got louder. I suddenly could see a beautiful creature I had never seen before. It had the face and upper body of a women but the fins of a fish! It was a mermaid!
I had never seen one before, I had only ever heard legends about them. I didn’t just see one mermaid, I found a whole bunch of them, all singing together, harmonising perfectly. One of them turned around and saw me. I thought she was going to get angry at me for spying on them, but she just smiled and waved. I smiled back. Another signalled for me to come over. I couldn’t swim, so entering the sea would be dangerous, but as long as I remain on the shallow end, it’ll be ok. And besides, how could I resist? They were so beautiful! They all had different colour fins, but every one was a perfect shade. Their hair was so long and thick, trailing past their waists. They all looked so different. Some had brown hair, some had blonde some had pale skin, some had dark, but what they did have in common was their beauty. They wore strings of pearls around their waists, and a tiara of shells, pearls, and seaweed. I called mum over, and together we went towards the mermaids. Out of nowhere, the mermaids splash us! This doesn’t sound like much of a problem, but if our wings get wet, we can’t fly for the next thirty minutes! To prevent any more problems, mum and I attempt to gallop away, but the mermaids grab our legs and drag us deeper into the water. They’re surprisingly strong. I manage to kick one of the mermaid’s tiaras off, meaning she had to get it before it sunk to the bottom of the ocean. While she was busy rummaging around, I quickly galloped onto the shore, but mum was still stuck. I desperately tried to drag her onto the shore, but if I got to close, the mermaids will drag me in again.Just as she was about to drown, a dolphin came and bashed the mermaids out of the way.
Mum quickly galloped onto the shore. I was shocked at how creatures so beautiful could be so cruel. In a way, they weren’t beautiful at all. Their faces were attractive, but they were cruel creatures, and if you’ve got a horrible personality, then who cares if you have nice features? I guess you can never judge a book by it’s cover.
“Thank you so much!” Mum and I said
“No problem!” Replied the dolphin, beginning to swim off.
“Wait!” I called
“Yes?” Said the dolphin
“Do you know where the tree of kindness is?” I asked
“Fly over the volcano, go under the waterfall, go across the field with yellow flowers, and you’ll see the tree standing on it’s own.” Said the dolphin
“Thank you.” Mum and I said
We rested and dried off in the scorching sun. In the distance, I could see the smoke from the volcano. Just the thought of a volcano scared me, and soon I had to fly over one but it had to be done, and sometimes we have to face our fears. Mum and I flew towards the volcano. It was a surprisingly long journey, even though the volcano seemed so close. As we got closer, it got hotter. The temperature went from cold, to warm, to hot. Mum said we now had to fly higher, because of how hot it was. I looked down, and saw the volcano underneath me. I could also feel the heat underneath me. Lava oozed out of the volcano, slithering like a snake, slowly making its way down the volcano. As the lava bubbled out the volcano, sparks came out as well, twinkling like stars. It was a scary, yet beautiful sight. A sight I had never seen before. The colours were so vibrant. The lava was a reddish orange, and the sparks were a goldish yellow. It was an image I could never forget. Before I knew it, that beautiful sight, those amazing colours, were a fraction of my imagination. I had done it. I had flown over a volcano. I had faced my fear. We land, but I don’t feel the warm sand on my hooves, nor is the sea in sight. We are no longer on the beach. Instead we’re in some weird forest. It has many trees but it also has a lake.
“Let’s get a drink from the lake” said mum
I follow her as she trots to the lake.
“How are we going to find a waterfall? It could be anywhere!” I said
“Luckily, I know some creatures who can help” Replied mum
“Who?” I asked. I was quite confused
“The centaurs. They’re relatives of ours.”
She neighed loudly, and suddenly these creatures came trotting over. They had the upper body of men, but the rest of them was a horse. Although they had no horn or wings, they were part horse so they were clearly relatives, (any horse related animal are related to unicorns and pegasus) however, I’d never even heard of them. They looked ever so majestic, but also quite intimidating. Every centaur towered over both me and mum. They could easily run us over, but surprisingly, they were really nice.
“Your majesty!” Said one of the centaurs, dipping his head in respect
“How may I serve you, your highness?” Said another, kneeling down
“Do you know of any waterfalls around here?” Asked my mum
“Yes your majesty. Follow us.” Replied one of the centaurs
The centaur’s voices were deep and rough, but they spoke so kindly. Mum and I followed the centaurs. They were only walking, but since they’re so big, we had to trot to keep up. It was exhausting, but since it meant we were one step closer to saving the universe, it was worth it. Soon I could hear the sound of water, and I knew we had reached the waterfall at last. I look up and there it is. The water glistens in the sunlight, as it trickles down onto the lake, making a soothing noise. As beautiful as it looked, I didn’t want to go anywhere near it, let alone underneath it. What if there are mermaids who drown me again? What if I can’t get away this time? What if my wings never dry and I can never fly again? What if, is all that was going through my head. My fear was taking over and I couldn’t bear it. I want to
think of positive things but there are non, and I desperately want to believe there is enough time to save the universe from evil unicorns, but it’s unrealistic. What if there simply isn’t enough time. I want to give up and rest my scrawny little legs, far away from any water, far away from mermaids, far away from danger. I want to forget this whole plan. I want to wake up from this nightmare, but I’m not sleeping. Why can’t I just turn back time and somehow prevent the witches from causing this. What if the potion doesn’t even work? I done it again. What if. But what if I give up now and let the evil unicorns take over. I need to give myself a chance, and even if there is no way out of this problem, at least I tried everything I could to save the universe.
“Here is the waterfall, your majesty.” Said one of the centaurs
“Thank you.” Mum and I said
“Any time your majesty.” Said the centaurs
“You don’t happen to be going to the tree of kindness, do you? Said one of the centaurs
“You guessed it.” Mum said
“The tree will be guarded by the fairies, and to get past them, you will need to bring them a gift.” Explained the centaur
“What kind of gift?” Asked mum
“A feather from the golden eagle. The real golden eagle. The one on earth is fake, the real golden eagle lives here.”
“How are we supposed to get a feather from it?” Asked mum
“I’ll get it.” Said the centaur
We waited for a bit, and then out came this glistening bird. It shone like the sun, showing off it’s gold feathers. It was the golden eagle, confidently sitting on a branch, it’s head up high. It looked so rare. So magical. Although they’re probably quite common, since we didn’t have to wait for long before it came out. The centaur held his arrow high, and with perfect aim he shot down the beautiful bird. I feel tears sting my eyes. I’m being stupid. Dramatic. I don’t even know the bird. I had never even heard of the species. No. That’s not the point. That bird was a living creature. It’s life may not have mattered to us, but it still had one. I feel a sensation of rage flow through my body. I feel more tears fill my eyes, until everything becomes a blur.