Unicorn Princess Read online

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  “Welcome!” He said joyfully

  He was a very strange man, but ever so kind. He wore a mauve cloak that had a yellow stripe running down the middle, and a matching pointy hat. His beard looked like it had been grown for years, yet it had not a strand of colour. It was pure white. His cottage looked old and battered, and had ivy crawling all over it. Outside, near to where he was standing was a big black cauldron.

  “Queen Rosaline and Princess Diamond, am I right?” Asked Wizard Radigast

  “Yes. Here are the ingredients.” Said mum, handing them over

  “Wonderful.” Said Wizard Radigast joyfully

  Wizard Radigast poured some clear liquid into the cauldron, then added the three gems of love. The mixture began to bubble as he mixed it with the stick of happiness. He then added the two flowers of kindness and it turned bright, fluorescent green as he mixed it some more. He then asked us to dip our horns in the potion. We obeyed this instruction, and the potion absorbed into our horns, turning them bright, fluorescent green.

  “There’s only enough for two strikes each. They can be used to take a life or give a life. The effect is determined by your heart’s intention.” Explained Wizard Radigast

  “Thank you.” Mum and I said

  Chapter 8

  Tale of two queens

  We returned home, only to witness the destruction the evil unicorns had caused. The shield of love was wearing off, and the evil unicorns were taking over. The land was covered by thunderclouds and darkness, and the rivers were a pile of goo, but I used this destruction as motivation. Mum and I came up with a plan. We went to the great hall, yet not to hide. We wanted Queen Raven to notice us so she’ll also come to the great hall and we can destroy her, and turn everything back to normal. Soon we caught her attention, and she galloped into the great hall. As soon as she entered, the doors were locked, so nobody could enter. The great hall was covered in mirrors, so Queen Raven could not tell which was mum’s reflection, and which one was actually her. I hid so Queen Raven couldn’t see me. All of a sudden, Queen Raven started flying really fast, shooting at the mirrors, smashing them to pieces. She done this to find out where mum was. Mum shot at Queen Raven but missed. Queen Raven stopped and took aim at mum, as she now knew where she was. They both shot at each other, at exactly the same time, neither missed, but Queen Raven was only grazed, whereas mum fell to the ground dying. Queen Raven reared up and let out an evil laugh.

  “Hahahahahahaha the kingdom is mine!” Bellowed Queen Raven

  How could I just sit and watch as my mother dies? I would’ve killed this beast ages ago if mum had let me fight her. I came out of my hiding place and shot Queen Raven straight in the heart. She exploded into a million crystal pieces. I ran over to mum, and she looked like she was dead - no she couldn’t be.

  “Mum!” I yell

  No response

  “Mum!” I yell, even louder

  Still no response. She was dead. I feel empty all of a sudden. It was like my heart had been ripped out. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. Without me realising, potion from my horn dripped down onto mum. Suddenly, she opened her eyes.

  “Mum, you’re alive!” I yell joyfully

  She looked refreshed, and her injuries had healed!

  “My darling!” She replied and we embraced.

  We exited the great hall, out into the open space of Ralinyan. Everything turned back to normal. The grey thunderclouds faded away, revealing the shining sun. The rivers of goo changed from horrible green slop into crystal clear aqua, and the evil unicorns turned from pure grey into black, white, brown, and many other colours, yet it was more than their colour that was changing. They were changing from evil to good. I suddenly felt slightly guilty. I didn’t care one bit about Queen Raven, but unicorns aren’t meant to kill one another. Was it really the only way?

  “Mum, unicorns aren’t meant to kill anyone, so why did we have to kill Queen Raven? I really don’t care, but I thought unicorns are against violence.” I said

  “Queen Raven wasn’t real. She was created by the witches to lead the evil unicorns, hence the reason she shattered into a million crystal pieces.” Said mum

  Ralinyan is finally back to normal. Everything had gone to plan. Had it? I was so happy, but I then remembered something. Someone, actually. The prince. I promised I would return.

  Chapter 9

  No going back

  “Mum, there’s something you should know.” I said

  “What is it darling?” Asked mum

  “When I went to earth a met a prince.”

  “Oh that’s nice dear.” Said mum, not seeming to take much interest

  “He’s the love of my life, and I promised I would return. Can I return to earth and see him? Please mum?” I asked

  “Ok, but make sure you’re back within 24 hours. Be careful.” Said mum as she turned me into a human.

  I teleported to earth, and went straight to the prince. As soon as I arrived the prince hugged me. I hugged him back. He seemed to never let go, and I didn’t want him to. It was clearly a mutual feeling.

  “Oh Diamond! Where have you been? You said you’ll explain.” Said the prince

  I felt awkward. How could I explain that I was a unicorn?

  “Do you believe in unicorns?” I asked

  “There’s many undiscovered creatures in this world. Why do you ask?” Said the prince

  “Just hold my hand and close your eyes.” I said

  The prince did as I said, and when we opened our eyes we were in Ralinyan. The prince was very startled at first, because he was a unicorn. He was royalty, but not from Ralinyan, so he had a shiny silver mane.

  “Mum, this is the prince I was talking about.” I said

  “Diamond, he’s from earth! How could you let out the secret?” Said mum

  “I trust him, and you trust me, don’t you?” I said

  Mum was silenced. I took the prince on a tour of the palace, and like on earth, we ended it in the palace gardens.

  “So you really are a unicorn? How is this possible?” Said the prince

  He seemed nervous and unsure, which was understandable.

  “It just is.” I replied

  “Is it still possible for us to be together?” Asked the prince, looking quite worried

  “Of course it is.” I lied

  How was it possible? I’m a unicorn, and he’s a human, and I can change into a human, but only for 24 hours at a time. I acted as if we could definitely be together, because I didn’t want to upset the prince. I didn’t want to upset myself. I longed to be with him, but how? We were from completely different parts of the universe, and it’s not like I can just move to earth as a unicorn, and let out the secret, so humans could come and hunt us down and the prince couldn’t just leave his kingdom to live with a unicorn in another land. Who would believe him anyways? We went over to mum.

  “Mum, is there anyway I could live with the prince?” I asked

  “Well I guess so.” Replied mum

  I was celebrating inside, but mum didn’t look so happy.

  “You can either become a human for 24 hours, or become a human permanently. If you become a human permanently, you will lose all your powers, and you can only teleport once, which means you can never return to Ralinyan. This spell cannot be undone.” Explained mum

  I got a sudden flashback of my life at Ralinyan. How could I just leave my home and never come back? But the prince was the love of my life, and I knew if I lost him I’d regret it forever. I’d never loved someone like this. I’d never felt such a strong connection with another soul.

  “Mum I want you to make me a human. Forever.” I said

  Tears filled my eyes but I knew this is what I wanted.

  “Diamond are you sure? You do realise what you’re doing, don’t you?” Said mum

s mum.” I said

  “I love you very, very much my little Diamond.” Said mum, beginning to cry, and very few things made her cry

  too. “I love you to.” I said, also crying, hugging mum

  “Look after her.” Mum said to the prince

  Mum then turned us both into humans, and the prince and I then left Ralinyan, hand in hand.

  When we got to earth, the prince proposed to me with the most beautiful ring. The band was yellow gold, and it had two small diamonds on the side, and one big diamond in the middle. They shone brighter than the sun. Obviously I accepted the prince’s proposal. I met the king, and he gave us permission to marry.

  “Son, I am going to be stepping down from the throne, and you’re next in line. See this as my wedding present.” Said the king

  The king then placed a beautiful tiara on my head as my wedding present, but marrying the prince was the only present I wanted. The king smiled. The prince said this was the first time he smiled since Princess Lydia’s death. A few months later the prince and I got married. I wore a pure white dress with a 25ft long veil. As I walked down the isle, I noticed someone who looked familiar. She also looked a lot like me, except older and more mature. At the ball, I looked her in the eyes, and I instantly knew who it was.

  “Mum is that you?” I said, running over to her

  “Yes my darling. How could I miss such a special day?” She replied

  I introduced her to the king, and they became great friends. Mum visited many times after our marriage, and we all lived happily ever after.

  The end